Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Reflection Paper 5
On 15th march we did same thing that is presentation like we have done on 14th march. It was just the continuous, 2 expert group presented on the "purpose of inductive teaching strategy". In this i came to know that inductive teaching helps in motivating students to cooperate and helps them to compete and achieve the goal. Not only that its helps those to enhance class participation and make them to work as team to achieve common goals. 
Inductive teaching makes the classroom interesting and entertaining by using different strategy. Also helps them to discover course content for themselves. And make them to learn by doing. Inductive teaching is all student centered. So this is the purpose of inductive teaching.

3rd expert group presented on 'procedural steps of inductive teaching learning strategy'. That was presented by me.
in this strategy there are four phase that is
1.      open-ended phase  
2.     the convergent phase
3.     closure phase
4.     The application phase.
This strategy is same like concept of generalization.

4th expert group presented on the topic "Role of a teacher"
In this topic we learn that
  •  Student is provided guided for scaffolding.
  • coach(provide instruction)
  • prompting(giving direction)
  • act as facilitator(like provide learning materials)
  • minimize authority of teacher(student centered)
  • to make a democratic classroom environment
  • design activity(brain storming, group discussion)
  • To create opportunity to student to explore themselves.
  • generalize(collect view from everyone and making conclusion)
  • present view and opinion
  • this are the role of teacher 

5th expert group presented on "merits and demerits of inductive teaching learning "
Merits are
1.     Involves operation, inference (known to unknown), classification and comparison.
2.     can be used at all levels of study at varying degrees
3.     Incorporates all the questioning technique including prompting and content view.
4.     Ensure greater interaction among learner, teachers and the material.
5.     it motivates children to fine and learn more
6.     Students are activated t learn better.
  • all the topic cannot be taught
  • it is time consuming inductively
  • minimum content coverage
  • It needs verification; some of the verification have to be done in deductive strategy.
  • It is frustrating to the different students (slow learner won't be able to cope up with the faster learner).
This is the knowledge that I received from my expert groups.
Reflection Paper 6
Today we did a recap session on the previous lesson. After that we were asked to have a group discussion on how we can teach inductively on English and Computer. Or shall i say the steps that are require in that inductive teaching. In subject English we decided on teaching of 'action verb' and in computer we choose "input device".
We were asked to write the steps that are involved/ how these topics are taught inductively. Both the topic had the same steps, that is:
  • step1: Jumble up example and non-example
  • step2: Prompt the student to identify the patterns in the example
  • step3: letting the students to define the particular topic by having all the critical attributes. Coming to the concrete definition.

step4: Letting the students to give more examples and making them to construct the sentence8th reflection

Presentation on Questioning strategy

what is question?

Questions are defined as instructional cues or stimuli that convey to students the content elements to be learned and directions for what they are to do and how they are to do it.

Purpose of Questioning
  •  Enhance the understanding of students
  • To make a class interactive
  • More participation
  • their will be effective and efficient learning environment 
  • To gain students attentions
  • To maintain flow of teaching
  • To create a life long independent learner, who uses questioning as a tool to learn
Characteristic of Questioning strategy 
  • it should be up to the students level 
  • it should be clear and simple
  • logically sequent
  • background should be clear(content of the topic) 
Steps involve in asking question
  • question should be relvant to the students level and knowledge 
  • involved actively
Classification of the questioning strategy
1.     The literal level(right there on paper): often used in the classroom. Eg: what is the color of dog named Kasper?
2.     The inferential level (think and search): here in this level the questions- answer can be identified by reading in between the lines, like from the different parts of the text.
3.     The applied level (on your own): answer relies mainly on the reader background knowledge and experiences. Here the reader has to analyzed, synthesize and evaluate themselves.
Other classifications are:
  • thinking time
  • no hand questioning
  • basketball question
  • conscript and volunteers
  • phone a friend
  • hot seating
  • preview
  • pair rehearsal
  • eavesdropping
  • big question
  • fat question
  • Skinny question. These are some classification.
1.     Socratic questioning strategy
2.     Bloom's questioning strategy
3.     Kipling's questioning strategy 
1] Socratic questioning strategy

The Socratic method of using questions and answers to challenge assumptions, expose contradictions, and lead to new knowledge and wisdom is an undeniably powerful teaching approach. It has 6 types, they are
1.     Conceptual clarification questions:
Get them to think more about what exactly they are asking or thinking about.Basic 'tell me more' questions that get them to go deeper. like 'why are you saying that?'

     2. Probing assumption
Probing of assumptions makes them think about the presuppositions and unquestioned beliefs on which they are founding their argument.(mainly based on assumptions). like 'How did you choose those assumptions?'
    3. Probing rationale, reasons and evidence:

Giving reason rather then assuming.

    4. Questioning viewpoints and perspectives:
Show that there are other, equally valid, viewpoints.(question that can be debatable).

    5. Probe implications and consequences
The argument that they give may have logical implications that can be forecast. Do these make sense? Are they desirable?

    6. Questions about the question:
Asked question to teacher and teacher will asked back the question.
like Bounce the ball back into their court.

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